Are your employees selling you their time or their productivity?

A recent survey, conducted by Universum SA, released in June 2019, surveyed 20 000 professionals across industries, such as business and commerce, technology and engineering, showed that professionals rated job satisfaction a 6 out of 10.

This essentially means that professionals which hold key positions in organisations, are at best, reaching 60% levels of job satisfaction, with over 47% looking for alternative employment and only 17% aiming for career development or advancement within the current organisation of employment.
A key factor contributing to the level of job satisfaction within an organisation is time management.

The majority of employees feel that the time they spend at the office is not being used productively, and that more focus is given to timekeeping, than result driven action.

Employees noted that more demands are being made on their time, with ever increasing workloads, unrealistic deadlines, undefined goals or priorities, duplicating tasks or activities without understanding what the root cause of the problem is.

It seems that everyone these days are suffering from the Urgent-and-Important syndrome. Essentially this happens when employees are feeling overwhelmed by tasks, stressed by deadlines, and unclear of what action to take, or are afraid to make decisions in case it is the wrong decisions.

Employees essentially leave tasks, actions and decision making until it reaches the Urgent and Important stage and moves into crises-mode and demands everyone’s attention.

The side effects of the Urgent-and-Important syndrome include lack of focus, poor communication, inefficient workflow, strained relationships, more meetings and ultimately delivery of inferior quality work.

Which essentially means that employees are selling you their time, and not their productivity!

Effective time management strategies can greatly improve time management and vastly improve employee productivity levels, which will mean more satisfied employees.

When aiming to improve time management, you are essentially increasing employee productivity, which will increase employee satisfaction rates, and highly experienced, skilled employees in the long run.

Is time management strategies a task that you can delegate to the professionals? Why not let us do it for you.

At Knowledge to Motion, we have trained, skilled, time management experts who can design, implement and review your time management strategies, allowing you the time to focus on your priorities and increasing your employee productivity levels, without costing you any more time.

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+27 76 862 1686
Physical address:
Unit 2, Avon Lofts No. 5
11 Malgas Cresent, Liefde en Vrede

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